Protect your brand on the move with new ‘app’


The application enables users to get instant legal advice on brands and trademarks and request free trade mark clearance searches straight from their smart phone.
In addition to a constantly-updated feed of blog-posts on brands and ‘tweets’ on brands from Twitter, the new application also features the full text of the UK Trade Marks Act 1994.
Chris Sherliker, the app’s creator and firm’s managing partner said: “We wanted to create a useful resource tool for brand consultants, creative agencies, designers, NPD specialists and entrepreneurs. We had about 300 downloads of the new application in the first few hours from all kinds of business users, both in the UK and abroad and it is proving to be a great success.”
It is apparent that the de-regulated market for UK legal services heralded by the Legal Services Act 2007 is sparking some innovative routes to market for forward-thinking professional services firms.
It also demonstrates that the professional service sector itself is becoming a more engaged target market for design and creative agencies providing web-based and cloud technology functionality.
The London law firm behind this new offering, Silverman Sherliker LLP, which was founded in 1981, was hailed last month as one of the UK’s fastest-growing IP firms and is accredited by Chambers Legal 500 Directory as Leaders in the Field of Intellectual Property.
The application is available as a free download at:
Silverman Sherliker are also active Twitter users at @london_Law_Firm