Since their childhood, girls are told that studying hard, being perseverant, and diligent is enough to build a successful career.
Unfortunately, as they grow up, they realise that being a specialist alone is not enough to climb the job ladder.
Lots of women from different corners of the world still crusade to get elevated to some senior-level positions, constantly proving their professional worth, expertise, and experience, whereas their male counterparts are often promoted through the ranks based on their gender rather than performance and merits.
This phenomenon is called the glass ceiling. It not only prevents women from attaining coveted promotion and financial stability, but also deprives them of an opportunity to achieve professional fulfilment, which affects their emotional state significantly.
Though gender equality is widely discussed and promoted in the workplace, progress is still quite slow. Women remain underrepresented in politics, top management, the defence and security sector, and other male-dominated spheres.
Nonetheless, the big question is – are there any chances a woman can overcome the notorious glass ceiling and get what she deserves at her workplace? Below you can find some useful strategies you can adopt to reduce the risk of bumping your head against the glass ceiling and become a strong leader at work.
More Assertiveness and Negotiation
It’s not a secret that women tend to get better grades both at school and college than their male peers. Women also graduate from higher educational institutions at higher percentages than men. So, how is it possible that women end up making less money and occupying fewer upper-level positions?
Experts say women shouldn’t be afraid of being pushy when it comes to getting perks, bonuses and benefits. Males often tend to act in a more assertive and competitive manner. As a result, they are more likely to get promoted than women.
At college, I befriended a girl who worked as a waitress in the local café. I remember how frustrated she was when two of her male co-workers had been promoted to a management position. She was far more experienced and diligent than her colleagues, who by the way, came to the café two months later than her. She was responsible and efficient.
She had never missed a single shift, though she had tons of homework to complete. Thank God an excellent company, PapersOwl UK, they help me to buy essay. According to my friend, PapersOwl pulled her through that difficult period.
Otherwise, she would have been expelled from the college. No wonder she was deeply offended when men stole that promotion from under her nose. Still, she was even more surprised when her boss told her all she needed to do to get the promotion was only to ask for it. He swore he thought my friend was way too busy and reluctant to take that job.
This real-life story proves that diffidence and the lack of initiative are the main hindrances to professional development. Therefore, though the glass ceiling is difficult to overcome, the least an employee can do is to be more assertive and self-confident. It’s crucial to remind others of our professionalism, experience, and valuable skills. It’s silly to be shy and not to ask for the perks and benefits we’re entitled to. So, don’t be afraid of going into a salary discussion and negotiating a better compensation package.
Beat the Tendency to Underestimate Your Talents
Women are more prone to keep things from falling apart at the workplace, make sure deals are signed, and deadlines are met. At the same time, women tend to underestimate their contribution. Female employees think they’re just doing their job and ask nothing in return. Naturally, their bosses take their contribution for granted and don’t regard it as worth additional reward.
It’s high time you put an end to underappreciating your talents and start drawing attention to your professional strengths. You should also stop focusing on minor tasks and start thinking globally. Connect your decisions to something that will help your company increase profits.
Learning more about analytics, strategic planning, and performance metrics also can be helpful. Acquiring new skill and combining them with the ones you already possess will help you feel more confident and professional.
Start taking the initiative and make proposals that will get other employees on board with your decisions. Expand your potential, apply your talent, and begin to reap the benefits at the workplace.
Don’t Be Afraid of Failure
Err is human. Unfortunately, women are more perfection-oriented by nature, and the very thought of a possible failure scares them a great deal. Therefore, women tend to adopt a risk-averse approach at the workplace which according to specialists, is “an executive career killer.”In contrast to their female counterparts, men don’t shy away from facing risks.
Moreover, men are less afraid of dealing with the possible consequences of incorrect decisions. They prefer to regret the things they’ve done rather than regret the things they haven’t done. Judging by my experience, women do demonstrate a greater fear of failure. Being precautious and risk-averse is a characteristic of the majority of my female co-workers.
Still, if we want to finally break the glass ceiling, we need to realize that no one expects us to be infallible. Therefore, women should move beyond the fear of failure and assert themselves in the workplace, which is a prerequisite from becoming a successful leader.
Don’t be afraid of bold decisions and challenging opportunities. If you mess up, never succumb to frustration. Embrace your failure and transform it into a valuable learning experience, which is indispensable for success.