Unique partnership between The Prince’s Trust & KashFlow is the ultimate in giving back


Part of why the deal is the ultimate in giving back is because KashFlow itself was originally supported by the Prince’s Trust as it was started by Duane Jackson after he had left prison.

KashFlow will offer an extended free period of use of their services and donate 35 per cent of all top line revenues generated beyond that back to The Prince’s Trust.

Founder Duane Jackson believes the initiative will create a wave of new business to help restart the economy and create employment opportunities for young people.

This is the first in a chain of efforts from KashFlow that will encourage established entrepreneurs to offer help and advice to their younger counterparts.

Duane Jackson, founder and CEO of KashFlow commented: “It’s shocking that there are more than a million young people out of work, but with a little encouragement and investment, we can turn Generation Y into Generation DIY. There’s a massive pool of creative, innovative talent out there going to waste – we need to give them the confidence to turn a declining economy into an opportunity for themselves.”

Jackson continued; “Entrepreneurship is integral to getting our economy back on the right track, and we need to give young people the support and the belief that they have the capacity to go out and achieve what they want to achieve. The Prince’s Trust gave me the chance to turn my business idea into a success, and now I want to help other young people do the same. Big businesses creating new jobs for young workers isn’t the answer in the current climate, we should be encouraging them to create their own businesses. They can get themselves out of unemployment and as they grow, create more jobs themselves.”

Martina Milburn, chief executive of The Prince’ Trust, said: “Duane is a fantastic example of one of the thousands of people we help to set up in business every year. With more than a million young people out of work, self-employment can be the answer.

Martina continued; “With the right support, we believe it is possible to help more young people like Duane to set up successful businesses, creating jobs and giving our economy a much-needed boost. We’re delighted that Duane’s business KashFlow is now helping other Trust-supported entrepreneurs to get their businesses off the ground.”