Top places where life might be possible outside earth

places on earth to live

Earth is the only planet in the universe believed to be able to sustain life.

Over the years, scientists have concentrated their efforts in discovering a variety of planetary systems, and after they have been successful in finding more planets other than planet Earth, their focus is now shifted towards finding out if there are other places that could support life just like planet earth.

Through their studies, they have come to the conclusion that there are a few places proximal to earth where it is believed that life may exist. These are not the places you would go to after expedited passport renewal, but if you are a big dreamer, then you can make it your life’s goal to visit them someday.

Dying Red Giant Stars

It is not possible for life to exist in large dying red giant stars, but they have the ability to bring back to life the dead planet when they defrost the ice present on their surfaces. Stars will always turn into red giants before they finally die and this process is sufficient to release a good amount of radiation that can melt down ice present on the moon or any other exoplanet. Once the process is over, there will be the presence of oceans on the exoplanet and from such, it would be possible to have a life.


There is not a great deal of hope that Venus could be another planet where life is possible, but there is a good number of scientists who postulate that indeed, it is possible for Venus to support life. The planet is full of thick clouds of sulfuric acid, which most scientists are in agreement that could support a floating life. The bacteria present in Venus are just like those found on earth, and it is believed that such bacteria has the potential of evolving into more complicated creatures alive.

Orion Nebula

Orion Nebula is one of the diffused Nebulas on the Milky Way and it is believed to have sung of organic chemicals in it. These chemicals are a prerequisite for life to be possible on any planet and this is what gives credence to the assumption that there may be life in Orion Nebula. It is also believed that the Nebula has water, sulfur oxide, methanol, formaldehyde, sulfur dioxide and other chemicals that could potentially be pointers to the existence of life.


There are millions of exoplanets present in the galaxy and all these are possibilities of places where life could actually exist outside Planet Earth. It should be understood that there are very many systems in the galaxy, with the solar system, where the earth belongs being just one of them. The exploration of the other systems and other planets is still at its infancy stages, and with the thing like organic materials being found in such places, it may be possible that there could be living in the exoplanets, only that the evidence collected is not yet enough to support such claims with great authority.


It is one of Jupiter’s moons and it is believed that it could support life due to the high amounts of geological activities that have been observed in it. The surface of the planet has over 400 active volcanoes and this has created an atmosphere on the planet believed to be filled with a gas similar to oxygen. However, the possibilities that there could actually be life present in Io at the moment are still remote, given that there is no water or organic chemicals in the planet and due to its location in the galaxy, it receives incredible amounts of radiation that would not normally support life.

Callisto and Ganymede

Scientists believe that two moons in Jupiter have water, not on their surface, but under their surface. The waters are believed to be covered by a 60mile thickness of rock and this has made it really difficult for researchers to ascertain if indeed, there is life under the surface. If it will ever be discovered, then it is a research that will take a lot of time and will require a technology that is yet to be developed.


The surface of Europa has a ten-mile layer of ice and according to scientists, it is believed that beneath the surface is an ocean containing oxygen. If at all the theory is true, then Europa may have more water than any other place known to have life, including Planet Earth. But with the ten-mile layer of ice, it has not been possible for the scientists to prove that indeed, there is an ocean beneath the ice.


Enceladus is just like Europa with the surface being covered by miles of a mixture of crust and ice, though the layer is slightly thinner compared to Europa. This Saturn’s southern moon has a subsurface ocean that continuously shoots out water vapors. Presence of organic molecules have been discovered in the vapor and this is the evidence that scientists use to give credence to the possibility of life being present in Enceladus.


Also known as Saturn’s Moon, Titan has a very thick atmosphere which is believed to have the potential of sustaining life. The atmosphere primarily consists of nitrogen, though the presence of oxygen and methane have also been detected. Unlike Io, the atmosphere in Titan has the capability to block Saturn’s radiation, and it is also the second body after earth to have the presence of liquid lakes. There are lots of chemical processes being witnessed on Titan’s surface and these have been an encouragement to scientists who continue to believe that with more studies, the presence of life or organisms may be confirmed.


Mars happens to be the closest planetary body to the Earth and there are lots of studies which have been conducted, and so far, there are very good chances that life may be possible on planet Mars. Traces of water have been found in several places across the planet, though soil samples, ice, and rocks collected from the planet did not give enough evidence that there could actually be life currently. However, scientist is also looking into the possibility that the planet might have harbored life in the past.