Know the threat: 4 benefits of actionable risk intelligence


For the most part, hospitals who operate a large computer network and database are usually doing so under a false sense of security.

Most of the run of the mill security features that a network administrator will offer a hospital or doctor’s office are highly outdated and largely ineffective. In order to make sure that your network and your sites are completely safe, you will need to make sure that you install more safeguards. Having programs that offer actionable intelligible risk can be very beneficial for a hospital or medical facility. Here are a few of the benefits that can come with addition of software that provides actionable risk intelligence.

  1. Gives You Continuous Control

The biggest benefit that comes along with adding this type of software is that it will allow you to stay in control of your network. You will be able to see where the weak spots in your network are and then address what you can do to fix them. The more you are able to find out about where intruders are most likely to go, the easier it will be to develop a secure network for a medical facility.

Hackers are constantly changing the methods they use to gain access to secure computer networks. Doing things like implementing the use of the best UK VPN can help you greatly. A virtual private network will allow you to keep a sense of anonymity while online. This means that hackers will have a hard time tracking you or your employees with this type of network in place. While a VPN may be a bit costly, it is well worth the money you invest.

  1. Behavior Analysis is Key

Another benefit that can come along with the addition of this software is that it will allow you to see threats based upon how a user or employee is behaving on the network. The system is set up to realize threats based on behaviors, which can be very beneficial when detecting would be intruders. The more you are able to find out about the behaviors of a would be intruder, the easier it will be to stop them before any significant damage is done. Instead of leaving your systems open to attacks, you need to do all you can to protect a medical facility and its sensitive data.

  1. Important in Data Loss Prevention

When trying to enhance the way that you handle data loss prevention, you need to think about risk intelligence software. By installing this type of software, you will be able to monitor that threats that your network has in real time. The more you are able to know about the behaviors of your employees and users, the easier it will be to stop cyber-attacks. Be sure that you get the company you buy the software from to run you through how it works and how you can tweak it to meet your needs.

  1. Remain Compliant

Many industries have to abide by strict regulations when it comes to data security. Failing to put the proper safeguards in place can lead to a variety of problems. The last thing you want is to be fined due to holes in your existing network. With the right professional help, finding these holes and fixing them in a timely manner will be much easier. Unless you have extensive knowledge about cyber-security, you will usually make a variety of mistakes when trying to handle this work on your own.

There are a number of different ways that a medical center’s computer network can be strengthened and improved upon. Taking the time to make sure that a computer network is safe and operable will help a person give the staff of the medical facility some assurance that they are safe. The informatics and IT fields are wide open and ideal for a person who is passionate about cyber security.