Friday’s Best For Tough Decisions


Research has found that we are the bravest at the end of the working week – and more likely to take difficult decisions than on any other day.

The study found Friday was the day we are most likely to ask someone out on a date or to ask our boss for a raise.

There was even evidence to suggest Fridays are the most chosen day to make a marriage proposal.

It’s believed the natural high we all experience at the end of the working week may help make all of us a little less risk averse.

The study was based on a survey of 1000 people and found that almost nine in ten – 87 per cent – said they had put off a difficult decision until a Friday.

Almost a third said they believed Fridays were the best day for taking action and making tough decisions. Monday was the next most popular day with 27 per cent followed by the weekends with Saturday and Sunday picking up 19% and 16% of votes.

More than two thirds had chosen to ask someone out on a date on a Friday while more than one in five – 21% – had chosen a Friday to ask their boss for a raise or promotion.

One respondent said: “Fridays are the best days for doing all kinds of stuff. Everyone is in a good mood because the weekend is almost here so it’s a great day to ask someone out or to ask for a promotion.

“I remember proposing to my wife on a Friday night. We were in a romantic restaurant and I went down on one knee.

“It was perfect and when she said yes the whole place erupted with applause for us. Fridays are feel good days and everyone recognizes that.”

A businessman who took part in the poll commented: “Friday is actually a great day to do all kinds of business and it’s possible to get lots done because the phone tends to go quiet.”

A spokesman for, who commissioned the survey said: “It seems everyone has a spring in their step on a Friday and this translates to many of us feeling braver than we do on any other day of the week.

“That means we are more likely to tackle the pesky tasks we may have chosen to ignore or put off on other days.

“It’s a combination of the weekend’s feel good effect and the knowledge that others should be in a good move too.

“There may also be an element of getting things tied up before the weekend. Whatever the reason Fridays are a great day to make bold decisions.”