Staff turn bedrooms into boardrooms to save cash


The need to save money is the main reason for the majority (88%) of respondents to now conduct their working day from the comfort of their living room, bedroom or garden shed.

The research, conducted by Remote Employment on behalf of BT Business surveyed more than 250 people and reveals that remote working is helping staff stay out of the red, with nearly two-thirds (60%) citing they are financially better off because they have the flexibility to work from home. Nearly half of respondents believe they save a significant £10-£20 per day on travel by working from home, with many confirming additional savings from not having to buy lunch and refreshments. 

The majority of  people (83%) reported that home working is also eliminating the costs associated with having to look the part for the office, with almost a third (31%) believing they can save around £250 per year as they no longer need suitable work clothes.

Bill Murphy, Managing Director, BT Business, said: “Anything employers can do to help their staff save money in the current climate is not only great for morale but can also have a big impact on performance. We are seeing more and more businesses offering staff the opportunity to work remotely and this flexible approach is proving to be a double win for employers and their employees.

“National Work From Home Day is the perfect opportunity for employers and employees to learn more about the benefits of home working and we have created a toolkit to help those businesses yet to take the plunge.”

The BT Business Remote Manager’s Toolkit offers practical advice about making efficiency savings and motivating employees using new ways of working together. The management guide was produced in conjunction with a panel of flexible working experts, and written by the Centre for Future Studies. It is available for free at

Home workers are also being encouraged to enter this year’s BT Home Business Award category in the Remote Workers Award to help celebrate how home working is benefiting the environment, business productivity and employees’ quality of work life.