So, here I’ll offer some alternative SMART objectives for you to lighten and brighten the load – to be used in conjunction with the traditional version – after all there’s no point throwing the baby out with the bathwater now is there!?
S Specific Simple
M Measurable Meaningful
A Agreed/Achievable Alibi
R Realistic Ranked
T Time bound Tangible
Simple – By making objectives simple you are more likely to get the all-important buy in from all involved. ‘Improve housekeeping’ – might be a little too simplistic though, hence my caution to use in conjunction with the traditional version.
Meaningful – I had a boss who targeted me on his objectives! I had little interest nor any intention in making his bonus payment aspirations come true (no really, I had NONE!) so make sure they mean as much, if not more, to them than they do to you
Alibi – give the objective a reason, a defence, an explanation and a justification as to why it is important. This is again critical when looking to gain the agreement and achievement of the target you have given your staff
Ranked – order them; assign an order of priority, an idea of criticality and importance. This helps focus the mind of the order of things and often how they are linked
Tangible – make it actual, touchable and very real; help those staff whose processes are, & processing is, stimulated most by a sense of touch. By articulating what you really mean and ensuring it is possible the goal becomes solid and real and valid.
So what are your objectives going to be for 2013?