To protect your financial (and emotional) investment, there are several types of insurance that you need to get. In addition, there may be some policies that aren’t compulsory but definitely beneficial for your business. Before you dive headlong into the world of entrepreneurship, read this guide to business insurance for SMEs.
Business owner’s insurance. This kind of policy will be an umbrella type of coverage for all areas of your enterprise. It often includes coverage that can fall under other types of business insurance policies, but many business owners use this as a starting point, and then augment their coverage with add-on policies.
Health insurance. Many business owners see health insurance for their employees as an investment in the quality of the products or services that the business offers. Because your employees are the key to making your business successful, you may want to offer them a program that will help them cover their medical costs.
Property Insurance. This a must-have for most SMEs; unless you work out of your home, you will want to secure a financial backup for your place of business so that you will be able to handle the loss in case of a disaster such as a fire or severe weather damage. Property insurance can come under many different titles; flood insurance, for example, is a type of property coverage.
Auto Insurance. If your business involves the transportation of goods or services, or if it requires that employees travel frequently, securing auto insurance is mandatory. This kind of coverage cannot be supplemented by your personal car insurance policy, so you should shop around for a policy specifically for commercial purposes.
Life insurance. Life insurance is often thought of as a way to safeguard loved ones from financial incompetence in the event of the death of the primary wage-earner in a family. It can be used by businesses in the same way. For example, if two people start a business and one of them passes away, the life insurance policy taken out for that business will enable the living partner to pay the deceased’s estate for full ownership of the enterprise.
Public Liability. Though not required by law, public liability is a wise investment for SMEs because it protects them from shouldering the financial responsibility in the event that an accident occurs and the business or one of its employees is found liable. Public liability insurance is particularly helpful when facing legal fees, medical bills, or expenses for property damage for which the business is found to be at fault.
Product Liability. If you offer a product as a part of your business scheme, you must also secure some type of product liability insurance, whether it is a stand-alone policy or part of a larger policy. Product liability insurance protects you financially in the case that one of your products causes harm to the public due to negligence on the part of your business.
If you’re feeling slightly overwhelmed by all the different types of insurance for SMEs, you’re not alone. Researching these types of policies online can grant your clarity when it comes to which ones are right for your business. Use sites like ConstructaQuote to find more information.