British Business Angels set to come together for summit & awards


Whilst there is little prospect for further bank finance being available for small businesses and with less than £300m Venture Capital investment made in start-up and early stage businesses last year, Angel investing at an estimated £850m pa, can be seen as the most significant source of start-up and early stage finance and with considerable backing by Government through major new incentives such as the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme.

National BBAA, as the major trade body for angel investing in the UK, is bringing together the key players from the early stage finance marketplace at its National Investment Summit on 2nd July to debate how this capacity of angel finance can be further leveraged and connected with the whole chain of finance to grow Britain’s entrepreneurs.

The BBAA National Investment Summit, now in its 8th year, is this year sponsored by Lloyds TSB Commercial and being held at the ICAEW London region at the prestigious facilities of the Chartered Accountants Hall, 1 Moorgate Place, London EC2.

UK and international Speakers from the investment marketplace from both traditional and non traditional sources , including Angels, VCs , banks, corporate-run accelerators and also the “new kids on the block” such as crowd-funding and peer lending , will be looking at current trends and developments in the finance marketplace and what are the challenges to create a coherent finance ecosystem to back entrepreneurs.

Whilst successful entrepreneurs will speak about their challenges and opportunities in mobilising angel investment and how this has impacted on the growth of their business.

The Summit will be followed that evening by the Annual BBAA Awards Dinner, hosted by the City of London Corporation.

This prestigious black-tie event has become a focal point in the year to recognise and celebrate achievements of angel and early stage investment. The Awards Dinner will be held at the magnificent Swan Dining Room, at the historic Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre on London’s Southbank, one of the most uniquely interesting venues of the Capital. Six carefully selected awards will be presented to both entrepreneurs and investors to represent achievements in the investment market as well as recognising the “Angel investor of the Year”.

Both these major events provide an important forum for interaction as well as opportunities for networking with all key players in the early stage investment market place.

For more information, or to buy tickets go to: