Getting to know you: Crispin Moger


What do you currently do?
I am the Managing Director of Provisional Marmalade and Young Marmalade. We specialise in providing solutions for young drivers to get insurance and their first car affordably.
What is your inspiration in business?
My inspiration comes from wanting to succeed where others have failed. The young driver market is very difficult to get right and there are a lot of preconceptions that hinder us. However I genuinely feel we can make a difference and this keeps me going. My wife and daughter are also a big inspiration. Without their support I probably wouldn’t be where I am.
Who do you admire? 
In business I have a lot of admiration for Sir Terry Leahy and what he achieved at Tesco. In general I admire people who despite all the pressure and attention still manage to perform at the top. People like Sachin Tendulkar (cricketer). To carry the hopes of one billion souls and achieve what he has deserves admiration. 
Looking back, are there things you would have done differently?
I wish I had been more stubborn and followed my gut instinct more. Hindsight can often be a wonderful thing but had I dug my heals in on a few things the business could have progressed better. 
What defines your way of doing business? 
My conscience is one of my biggest guides in business and being seen to do things properly. I hate it when people try to justify sharp practices by saying “it’s just business”. I like to empower the people who work for me and let them feel that they are helping to drive the business forward. By having happy staff I genuinely believe you have people prepared to go that extra mile for you.
What advice would you give to someone just starting out?
Be clear why you are doing things. Have a goal, plan your targets and stick to them. Try to break down your targets into manageable chunks and don’t think you are going to be a millionaire over night. Don’t be afraid to ask for help we all need it sometimes.