Getting to know you: Greg Hallett

Greg Hallet-12

What do you currently do? 

I’m currently the managing director of Everyclick ltd, a comprehensive fundraising hub for the charity sector. We offer innovative fundraising products and solutions that make it easy for all 200,000 UK charities to generate extra income and increase supporter loyalty.

Everything we offer is free for charities and their supporters to use and can be managed and accessed via a charity’s own secure admin area. Our lead product is – the shopping website site with a heart.

What is your inspiration in business?

Working with great people, who have great ideas. I have always worked in the SME sector and have loved being part of exciting projects and ventures where my contribution can make a real difference.

I love to see people and businesses grow and develop.

Who do you admire?

Lots of people for different reasons. Brian Clough was an inspirational character who managed to get the best from people. I do admire my chairman, Geoff Squire OBE. He’s an incredibly successful businessman, whose passion and commitment for what we are trying to do rubs off on all of the staff.

I have a strong faith and so I admire the biblical leadership model that Jesus demonstrated. He built a team around him by serving as well as leading and he knew how to get the best out of everyone.

Looking back, are there things you would have done differently? 

Yes, I would’ve left roles that weren’t right for me a bit quicker. I was too loyal to some companies and maybe my passion and determination meant that I didn’t see the writing on the wall. It left me in difficult situations and I’ve learnt many lessons from it. I am a ‘glass half full’ person, so I tend to be looking forward rather than back, but in the knowledge of past experiences both good and bad.

What defines your way of doing business?

Due to my faith, I value integrity and ethics very highly and expect the same for those who work for me.

I believe that empowerment is essential in team building but it always goes alongside accountability. It’s important to realise that as a leader, you are not always the best person at everything. The key is to build a team of specialists around you and rely on them to know more than you and advise you in their areas of strength.

Whilst developing the company we ask ourselves: do we buy, build or borrow? Of late, I often find we do the latter. We’ve been expanding our range of services and support for charities and we are working with other businesses who have great ideas that compliment what we do.

I am an accountant by training, so my brain is wired for numbers, however, I have always been artistic, and consequently I am not your typical accountant! I have been privileged to work in lots of commercial environments and industry sectors so believe I have a broad appreciation and understanding for business.

What advice would you give to someone just starting out?

My advice is not to try and be all things to all people. Be honest about your strengths and weaknesses and know where you need support and don’t be afraid to ask for it.

Get good people around you who share your vision and ethos. Teamwork is everything.