Getting to know you: Mark Tighe


What do you currently do?

I’m the Managing Director of Catax Solutions, a company specialising in securing tax relief for the owners of commercial property. We’ve grown in the last few years and now have over 40 staff, with offices in Manchester, Birmingham and London. In fact, we celebrated our one year anniversary of being in the London office this week.

What is your inspiration in business?
After working for many years in large corporations the passion you feel for starting and nurturing a small business and watching it grow and grow provides daily inspiration.

Who do you admire?
Peter Green , currently The President of Business Solutions for Telus (Canada’s BT).
He introduced me to the ‘Daily Flash’ this business tool allows you to have a complete view of the business on a daily basis, giving you 365 days/ times to steer the business, not the usual 12 monthly measures

Looking back, would you have done things differently?
You can spend far too much time creating the so called perfect plan, the route to success is always in the execution of the plan

What defines your way of doing business?
I know its corny but always make sure that everybody wins, clients, company, staff, suppliers, partners. People work best when they feel valued and respected. I like everyone to work to a high standard and I can be a hard taskmaster, but it’s very rewarding when everyone pulls together to get the job done.

What advice would you give to someone just starting out?
Get your Cash flow right and focus on getting things done – execute, execute, execute! Also use a daily flash from day 1!