The Ultimate Guide to Book Writing for Entrepreneurs


As a seasoned entrepreneur, you likely have years of experience and expertise to share with up-and-coming and hopeful entrepreneurs. One of the best ways you can compile your wisdom and share it with the masses is by writing a book.

You may be thinking that writing a book is a time-consuming undertaking for a busy entrepreneur like yourself, but writing a book is an excellent way to grow as an entrepreneur while still running your business. With this step-by-step guide, you’ll learn the key measures you need to take to ensure your book writing process is as smooth and successful as possible.

Step 1: Establish Your Angle

The first step in writing your book is deciding what you’ll be writing about and how you’ll be conveying your message. Ask yourself some important questions, such as:

  • What is the book going to be about?
  • Why am I writing this book?
  • Why am I best positioned to write this book? What expertise do I offer?
  • Who is my audience? Who will care about this book?
  • Why will they care?

Answer these questions as honestly as possible to position your angle for the book. Keeping these answers in mind throughout the writing process will help you stay true to the book’s intentions and target your audience effectively.

 Step 2: Understand and Abide By the Process

To write a good book, you need to understand the sections of a book. In short, every book has a beginning, a middle and an end. While this breakdown may seem a bit basic, there are several components to each section that make them more complex than they initially appear. For example, the beginning includes components like:

  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Table of contents
  • Dedication or acknowledgement page

The middle section (also known as the body) includes components such as:

  • Introduction or prologue
  • Chapters
  • Conclusions

Finally, the end section (also referred to as the back matter), will often feature parts like:

  • Glossary
  • Appendices
  • Indexes

Understanding and abiding by this formula is essential to creating a book your audience will want to buy.

 Step 3: Outsource an Editor

Once you’ve finished writing your book, you need to have it edited. While you can edit your own work, it’s always advisable to get a second (and preferably third and fourth) set of eyes to examine it. This will highlight any inconsistencies and areas for improvement. With this in mind, be sure to outsource your editing to an external editor. You can often find affordably priced editing services through freelance job sites such as Upwork.

 Step 4: Publish and Market Your Book

Now that your book is finally complete, it’s time to publish it for the world to see. Do your research on your publishing options (i.e. through a publishing house or self-publishing) and weigh the pros and cons of each to decide which is right for you. If you opt to release your book with a publishing house, they will most likely handle the marketing for your book. However, if you do decide to self-publish, consider what marketing strategies you can implement to promote your book and attract more buyers.

If you’re hoping to set yourself up for further entrepreneurial success, writing a book could be one of the best ways to do exactly that. Not only would it be an incredibly fulfilling achievement, but it would provide you with a platform to reach and influence fellow entrepreneurs. By following this step-by-step guide, you’ll ensure that your book writing journey is both easy and beneficial.