An innovative coding homeschooling kit allowing students to express their creative flair is to be launched this month.
Designer Kit Set from leading Korean robotics education startup LUXROBO will first target the North American sector. The innovative product allows users to apply it to real-life scenarios using the basics of engineering and coding.
It covers up to 10 options – two kinds of unplugged activities and eight kinds of coding – to help children challenge themselves in a creative environment and develop their coding output.
The Designer Kit Set allows coding from scratch on Android or iOS mobile operating systems through the company’s modular robotics platform MODI.
MODI is LUXROBO’s industry-recognized modular coding education kit that was developed for building and connecting of DIY robotic creations.
MODI modules comprise input, output and setup modules that allow learners to acquire critical concepts across computer science and coding curriculums in a fun and engaging way.
Through hands-on, project-based activities, learners of all ages can tackle problems logically while developing their critical thinking and computational thinking skills. In combination with a STEAM curriculum, 3D printing, and LEGO, MODI classes come alive.
LUXROBO’s R&D center developed the kit with the challenges of schools faced during the Covid-19 pandemic in mind
The kit will be available on the e-commerce platform eBay and Shopify and priced at around US$ 220. It will consist of a designer kit, a making pack and a coding sketch.
Established in 2014 by founder SangHun-Oh, LUXROBO Inc. is a leading Korean robotics education technology startup that specializes in corporate online and offline coding education services in South Korea.
The company developed a semiconductor operating system (OS) that could control robots in an organic and stable way. In 2019, LUXROBO won the CES Innovation Award for Robotics and the Edutech Business Model grand prize from Korea’s Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
LUXROBO’s MODI is a modular hardware platform consisting of 21 modules with specific functions and software coding tools for users and learners of all ages and backgrounds.
MODI was designed for users to intuitively recognize each module’s function. Most types of modular devices have an exposed circuit board, but MODI does not. And it offers the added value of safety and familiarity, so suitable for children to play with.
The name ‘LUXROBO’ is a combination of light (lux, unit of light) and robot, and has a great ambition to create a smart and bright future using robot technology.
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