Google, Amazon, and Microsoft are three of the biggest names in cloud networking. They are the most popular choices for businesses looking for a cloud service.
Being separate companies with different technologies, the services they provide are proprietary. Hence, it’s not easy connecting one virtual private cloud to another.
That was in the past, though. It is now easier to connect different platforms, at least when it comes to connecting Googleto Amazon and Azure virtual private cloud networks. Thanks to hybrid cloud networking solutions providers like Aviatrix you don’t have to rely on just one platform. You don’t have to be tied to the lock-in contract of one provider because there’s a way to interconnect virtual private networks running on the most popular cloudplatforms.
Multicloud peering
Enabling connection between multiple virtual private clouds requires the use of conduits or liaisons. In the case of Aviatrix, for example, the company provides special controller and gateway systems that can be easily managed through a simplified point-and-click interface. Aviatrix developed a centralized way for the management, monitoring, and troubleshooting of IPsec tunnel connections. This system is designed to auto discoverVPCs under AWS, the Vnets of Azure, Projects of Google Cloud Platform, and their underlying IP layer information.
This design results in notably easy management of multiple virtual private clouds running under the three leading cloud platforms. Simply put, you can run the Aviatrix controller in your AWS VPC, for example, and connect to another AWS VPC, Azure Vnets, and GCP Projects running the Aviatrix gateways.
Aviatrix has come up with a dynamic way for connecting Vnets and VPCs by implementing software and policy defined routing. What this entails is that it is no longer necessary for network administrators and IT engineers to learn in-depth the technical specifics of every cloud network. This setup also supports high availability connections to ensure fault tolerance and enable the needed redundancy. Additionally, Aviatrix designed everything to support connections to on-premise sites and other private clouds through a site-to-cloud VPN solution.
Simplifying the process
The goal of multi-cloud peering is to make it easy to connect AWS, Azure, and Google virtual clouds. In order to achieve this, the system uses a centralized console, which is capable of automating network configuration and deployment. It also comes with a dumbed down troubleshooting system that includes integrated diagnostic tools for testing network performance, seeing link statuses, and setting alerts. Moreover, the process is built with compatibility in mind.
The site-to-cloud and cloud-to-cloud VPN connections created to interlink VPCs, Vnets, and Projects work with most of the on-premise infrastructure that stops VPN connections from the cloud, and also allows engineers to quickly generate configuration models to be used in on-premise firewalls and routers.
The rise of cloud giants may have created an oligopoly, but it has also established an industry wherein other companies provide services that complement or supplement those of the market leaders. The solution interconnecting AWS, Azure, and the Google Cloud Platform is a welcome development for everyone who wants to take advantage of cloud technology.