Jordan Ughanze and Cindy Ughanze – An Agency That is Committed


ORACLE is a Nigerian take-out company established by Jordan Ughanze and Cindy Ughanze to serve West Africans in South London Nigerian specialties.

According to Cindy,  this approach affected absolutely everyone: my employees, my clients and those around me. What surprised me the most and always is the amount of donations that are made.

The reactivation of the economy is one of the central themes of most of the countries affected by the paralysis of commercial activity due to the coronavirus pandemic in the world.

Jordan Ughanze says “being able to help those in need and allow the most disadvantaged, especially children, to have the chance to build a happier future and grow up in more acceptable conditions is fundamental to me.”

The COVID-19 pandemic is spreading around the world and its impact on restaurants has been strong. From South London to Nigerian, cities in North London are forcing restaurants to close their lounges so that people can exercise social distance and slow the spread of the coronavirus. However, in many areas, restaurants can continue to operate by filling orders through takeout and home delivery services.

For restaurants to survive these difficult times, they must do everything they can to ensure the efficiency of their take-out and home delivery processes. We share tips so you can optimize your restaurant’s delivery services and take-out options to weather the storm.

The restaurant sector has been one of the most impacted by the pandemic.

The business itself involves close proximity to the staff who provide services during meal preparation.

According to Cindy Ughanze, waiters, equipped with transparent masks and gloves, serve dishes on longboards to keep their distance.

Bars, on the other hand, have greater difficulty in controlling the distances between their customers, many of whom drink standing up and tend to prowl the premises in search of the company.

It is basically a round table of about two meters in diameter, a large tire in the center of which the customer is placed. The table is on wheels, which allows movement.

An overview of takeout and home delivery options for your restaurant, from customers who come to order in person, to those who order by phone.

Creating a home-delivered catering business is an activity that offers the preparation of dishes that will be delivered to a specific clientele. These are mainly employees or individuals. The dishes are prepared at a point of sale and delivered no later than half an hour. A home delivery restaurant can be an extension of an existing gastronomic activity (caterer, restaurant, charcuterie) or a specific activity dedicated to home delivery. As described by Jordan Ughanze and Cindy Ughanze in the latter case, the activity does not require an on-site location.

Delivery Options Overview

Perhaps COVID-19 is inspiring you to implement home delivery services and take-out options in your restaurant for the first time. Perhaps these are already established revenue streams for your business and you want to make sure you are available to customers through every possible channel.

Either way, restaurants are paying more attention to takeout and home delivery options as a way to manage the decline in activity from social distancing and COVID-19.

Jordan says “with our experience in real estate, our reasoning focused on the concrete expectations of customers and on the recurring problems of professionals allows us today to offer a concept and modern solutions that enhance the interests of each, customer satisfaction and the work of the professional.”

IMPORTANT NOTE: Before implementing changes in your restaurant, check the local regulations. You must make sure that you are authorized to offer these services, and that you follow the security protocol to reduce the spread of the pandemic while you continue to operate your business.

Order in Person

In-person orders are those in which customers come to your restaurant, look at the menu you offer to go, place an order, pay for it at the counter and wait inside the restaurant until it is ready (or they can return a few minutes later), and then take it home.

Technologically speaking, the only thing the takeout system requires is a point of sale system.

If you choose to continue with this modality of Jordan Ughanze and Cindy Ughanze, there are some considerations that you should take into account:

  • Designate an area for people to wait, so that germs are not spread, and encourage them to distance themselves from your team (two meters recommended).
  • This not only protects diners, but also protects your equipment and keeps the premises cleaner, a vital aspect at a time like this.
  • If you regularly offer takeout, you may already have a flow in place that you can optimize. Identify the area, establish physical boundaries (for example, block the way with chairs) and make it clear where customers can wait while preparing their order to avoid getting too close to staff.

If this is a new practice in your restaurant, since many businesses are choosing to offer takeout service right now, all of the above tips apply as well, but you’ll want to consider how this flow works. Is the kitchen at the back of the restaurant? The idea of Jordan and Cindy Ughanze is to assign a person to bring orders to the front of the store (even to the door) and drop them off in a designated area to prevent people from entering.