Famadesa increases its sales abroad by 15% in the first five months of the year


Foreign trade, the cornerstone of the company’s development.

  • Famadesa increased its sales in the foreign market by 15% in the first five months of this year, compared to the same period in 2020.
  • The company invests 34 million for a new airing chamber, a cutting room and a purification plant.

In the first 5 months of 2021, the figures show a positive evolution in terms of frozen pork meat Exports, similar to the upward trend of the end of the previous year. The Asian market, mainly China, is once again the main customer/destination, with sales increasing by 48.67%, with a difference of more than €18M compared to last year.

Commitment to R&D&I

Recently, the Andalusian Regional Minister of the Presidency and spokesperson for the Andalusian Regional Government, Elías Bendodo, and the Regional Minister of Employment, Training and Self-Employment, Rocío Blanco, visited the facilities of this meat industry to see, on site, the progress of the expansion works.

This involves the construction of a new airing chamber; a stabilisation chamber; a cutting room (focused on setting up robotised slaughtering lines and product preparation, aimed at meeting the demands of the foreign market) and the extension of the slaughterhouse, together with a state-of-the-art treatment plant, which will be operational before the end of the year.

In 2020, a first phase comprising new pens, adapted to international animal welfare standards, as well as an automated driving system, was completed.

This expansion is justified by the company’s commitment to continue at the forefront of technology and R&D&I in order to continuously optimise its processes and products with the aim of offering increasingly demanding consumers products of the highest quality and the need to continue to respond to the increase in demand. In this Last year, Famadesa obtained sales of 303 million euros, 7.4% more than in 2019. More than 50% of the production of this Malaga-based meat company was destined for export in 2020, mainly to the Asian market, with China leading the way.

Expert Exporters

Offering the taste of Quality since 1989

Famadesa, in addition to producing 6,000 tonnes of sausages and around 300,000 pieces of cured ham every year, exports its white pork products to the five continents. It has extensive experience in the foreign market, backed by its track record in exporting its products.

Since 2010, the company has been present globally, becoming one of the main exporters in its sector. That year Famadesa obtained the permits to export to China. Since then, around 60% of its sales are destined for foreign markets. It currently has an International Export Department, from which all operations are channelled (international@famadesa.es).

Once contact has been made with Famadesa, the purchase is carried out with total security, providing a comprehensive service to the destination, including product specifications, packaging, logistics and payment.

Famadesa has its own distribution network, with a fleet of more than 120 trucks that distribute its goods throughout Europe. At the same time, it has commercial agreements with the main international shipping companies, to take its products to any part of the world in the best possible state of conservation, from the Port of Algeciras (Cadiz).

In addition to the European Union, Famadesa exports to numerous countries, including Belarus, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Vietnam, South Africa, Angola, Ivory Coast, Equatorial Guinea and Singapore.

The quality you need. Value Chain

Control over all the links in the production chain (reception, slaughter, cutting, packaging, dispatch and transport) guarantees the highest quality of all its products. The origin of its success lies in the exhaustive control of the production process it develops. An element of uniqueness that makes it different from any other company in the sector.

Famadesa (ES-10.10797-MA) has the latest technology at all stages of production, to keep the meat in optimum conditions until it is delivered to its customers’ facilities anywhere in the world. Its freezing systems, with a capacity of 4M kilos.

Its leader, the businessman Federico Beltrán, has managed to transmit to his more than 1000 workers, fundamental values such as humility, perseverance, enthusiasm and hard work, as catalysts for success, to convert what was once a small slaughterhouse in a neighbourhood in Campanillas, Malaga, into the large international company that it is today, without losing its roots.