Busting The Myths Of Italian Immigration With An Investor Visa


Italy is an acclaimed immigration destination. Beyond its incredible lifestyle and growth opportunities, the ease of immigration is a reason for its popularity.

You can consider citizenship by descent, marriage, or naturalization, depending on your circumstances and background. But these aren’t the only routes, as you can also get in with an investor visa and fulfill your immigration goals eventually. But a few myths can keep you from capitalizing on this option. If you have some misconceptions, these professionals can assist you in the process by helping you get your facts clear. Let us bust the investor visa myths to get you on the road to easy immigration.

Myth #1- Only high-net-worth individuals can afford it

Since an investor visa is about investment, it is easy to believe that only high-net-worth individuals can afford it. The truth is that you need not spend a fortune as an investment. You can actually begin with a minimal investment of just €250,000 to an innovative startup. If you can spend more, consider options like an established company (€500,000), a donation to a welfare project (€1 million), or Italian government bonds (€2 million).

Myth #2- Your investment is at a risk

Another myth you must steer clear of is that your investment is at risk. In fact, there couldn’t be a safer way to procure an investor visa. You need not provide the money until you complete the process, land in Italy with the investor visa, and get your residence permit. You only have to validate the funds with a bank statement as proof to complete the formalities.

Myth #3- The process is long and daunting

Unlike the other immigration routes, the investor visa is short and easy. You need not wait in the consulate queues for years as the process completes only in a few months. It involves two steps- obtaining a nulla osta (certificate of no impediment) and applying for the investor visa. You can complete the first step online and the second one at your local consulate. Getting expert assistance makes these steps even easier.

Myth #4- You cannot enjoy the benefits

Although the Italian investor visa is a shortcut for immigration, it does not limit your benefits. You can get your residence permit right after landing in Italy. The permit is valid for two years and entitles you to live and work in the country. You can fly visa-free in the EU region as an Italian resident. The best part is that you may bring your dependents without additional investment.

Myth #5- There is no chance of getting a citizenship

An Italian investor visa is your first step to obtaining citizenship by naturalization. The process takes a decade, but it is surely a small price for one of the most powerful passports in the world. Your temporary residence status converts to permanent residence after a five-year stay. You qualify for citizenship by naturalization after another five years, provided you hold your investment during the period.

The investor visa sets you up for fast and hassle-free immigration to Italy. Ditch these myths and go ahead with the process to achieve your citizenship dream eventually.