Bullisbuys Helping Investors Make Investment Decisions by Embracing Data Analytics Techniques

To break the traditional norms of heuristic or instinct-based decision making, an organization in the UK, Bullishbuys is making its attempt to encourage real estate investors in embracing a data-driven mindset.

Their big data-enabled analytical tools can effortlessly unlock the potential of data in identifying better investment opportunities.

Bullishbuys is reminding real estate investors that data analytics is an important element that aids in an improved and informed decision-making process. By incorporating the right data with the right tools, property investment can reap its returns exponentially in less time.

So, what exactly do their data-enabled tools have in store for you? 

How can big data help you in augmenting your decision-making process?

Does data have the power to help real estate investors grow their ROI more than ever?

This article helps you know all this and more. So read on.

Real estate data analytics – The definition

A process of analysing the raw market data through specialised software that helps real estate investors in making profitable decisions is called real estate data analytics. These data can be taken from government websites, public surveys, census figures and more. Real estate data analytics gives the investors an impression about the ongoing market condition such as the properties in demand, selling prices, information regarding the population, etc. Investors can use these data for comparison and ending the deals. In the current digital world, easy and real-time access to data has become crucial. This is the reason why it has become increasingly popular now.

Improve the competitive advantage using data-driven real estate market analysis

Investors make a common mistake of perceiving those around them or tend to go with their gut feeling. But when it comes to real estate investing, buying a property that is in their neighbourhood or that has been suggested by their kiths and kins is not a great idea. This unplanned approach can cause them to lag behind other financial investors. Falling into such pitfalls is something that most investors can’t afford. This is where big data comes into play. Data being complex and time-taking, the majority of the investors refrain from this idea of utilising real estate data analytics for their investment property decisions. Bullishbuys renders the same message through their data-enabled advanced tools for the investors to make informed deals.

Data analytics plays a huge role in assessing various parameters of success in real estate investing

The location is one among them that is crucial in understanding whether the property is in a profitable area or not? Unlike traditional research methods which take ages to reap results, real estate data analytics helps keep investors a step ahead in finding the right locations. Next comes the pricing. Investors are required to have a complete understanding of the market to put the best price on their property. Data helps them avail the entire statistics without any fail.

Another important parameter is the competitive analysis. Investors can utilize the data to know which companies are selling the most, their customer ratings, their marketing strategies, etc. Subsequently, buy to let property investors are also on the plus side with data analytics as it helps in rental yield and capital gain. Investors get a clear idea about which group of tenants to target for their property. So, from location to pricing, tenant targeting to competition analysis, investors can evidently use the big data to make wiser investment property decisions. 

Rigorous risk management and better revenue optimisation

Like any other industry, property investors also have the same fundamental goal- to make the most of their investment as early as possible. By utilizing data, they can minimise the risks associated with a property and ensure the future value of their business is enhanced. Advanced analytics allows investors to understand risks better hence create proper mitigation measures. With real estate data analytics, investors will have access to the most critical information helping them stay prepared.

Bullishbuys – “Turning Data into Intelligent Investment Decisions”

So how exactly does Bullishbuys help real estate investors in making superior investment decisions? They analyse millions of data points to pinpoint actionable insights about the property market in different metrics required for best investment returns. The data are sourced from various UK government websites. Bullishbuys gather data and apply their analytics to provide the investors with a full-fledged analysis report for the property.

So, through their analytical tools, they let the data do the heavy lifting allowing the property investors to identify their next investment property in less than 3 minutes! Other tools such as cash flow calculator and rental yield calculator aid investors in transforming their business with more data-backed decisions.

The data enabled tools by Bullishbuys makes us realise a sole aspect that tech tools and predictive analysis will be imperative in the near future.

So are you ready to use in-depth data insights to augment your property investment decision making? Then find out more about their real estate data analytics and solutions platform at Bullishbuys.