An Interview with Francesca Cronan – Writer Shares Insights on Life, Her Career and the Impact of AI on Her Industry

Francesca Cronan has always been drawn to the power of words. As the founder of The Write Sisters, a professional writing and editing business, Cronan has turned her passion for words into a thriving career.

Francesca Cronan has always been drawn to the power of words. As the founder of The Write Sisters, a professional writing and editing business, Cronan has turned her passion for words into a thriving career.

Growing up in Portland, Oregon, Cronan found solace and inspiration in books from an early age. This love of literature led her to major in English and Comparative Literary Studies at Occidental College, where she graduated with honors. Her peers quickly recognized her talent, often seeking her out for her keen editing eye.

With over two decades of experience in the field, Cronan has honed her skills across various forms of writing, including grant proposals, website content, marketing materials, articles, blogs, resumes, screenplays, and business plans. Her adaptability and commitment to quality have made her a go-to resource for clients seeking to translate their ideas into compelling narratives.

In founding The Write Sisters, Francesca Cronan created a platform to offer her expertise to a broader audience. The company provides services in grant writing, copywriting and editing, catering to each client’s unique needs.

Beyond her writing career, Francesca Cronan is a devoted mother of two who values work-life balance. She’s found ways to structure her days to maximize time with family while still delivering high-quality work to clients.

We sat down with Cronan during a recent interview to learn more about her career and life story. Her responses offer insight into the journey that led her to establish The Write Sisters and the philosophies that guide her work and personal life.

What inspired you to pursue a career in your chosen field?

As a child, my favorite thing to do was get lost in a book. I’ve always been drawn to the written word and the transformative power of language. I enjoy helping others articulate and communicate their thoughts as effectively and engagingly as possible to their intended audiences.

Can you share a defining moment that shaped your career?

The decision to start my own business was a defining moment. It’s been very satisfying to work with a variety of clients and have to become adaptable to different situations. Every so often, I will have clients reach out to me and invite me to come in-house. While I’m always flattered by such offers – and I may be open to these opportunities in the future – I’m reluctant to risk walking away from what I’ve built so far.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business or advance in your career?

My strategy is to provide quality. In an industry where it is tempting to cut corners, I stand apart because I have a standard of quality that I maintain. Ultimately, my clients quickly realize the value of continuing to invest in high-quality writing.

How do you handle difficult clients, customers, or coworkers?

One of my strengths is my ability to work well with most people, even if our communication styles are different. If an issue arises, I want to understand the other person’s point of view so I can identify the most productive way to resolve the matter. In most cases, making the other person feel heard and valued goes a long way in improving communication and moving forward.

How do you handle complaints, criticism, and feedback?

Writing is both an art and a science, and it’s rare to get it perfect on the first try. I welcome feedback from clients, as it opens a conversation about their intended objectives and goals. I’m willing to work with the clients to recalibrate my approach as needed to accommodate the evolution of their project.

What role does technology play in your career and business?

The arrival and evolution of AI generative technology is ready to transform the field of digital content. Already, these tools are providing attractive, cost-effective alternatives to “human-powered” written content. However, the content generated by AI technology still comes across as “off”—it’s missing the connective thread that captures a reader’s interest and keeps them engaged.

Where do you think your industry/profession will be in 5 or 10 years?

I’d like to think that high-quality writing will still be valued across all sectors. As people become more reliant on AI to perform “lower-level” skills, I’m worried that the art of clear and engaging writing skills will erode and become more scarce. My hope is that the marketing industry will still see the benefits of well-crafted writing that connects directly with their intended audiences.

What advice would you give to someone seeking a career in your industry?

Sometimes it’s easier to write from scratch than rework an AI-generated piece. Surprisingly, I have found that it’s often better to start with a fresh page than to have to parse through and rewrite content that has already been formed, especially if it is AI-generated.

How do you manage stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance to ensure overall well-being?

I love the flexibility of working from my home office. I adhere to a consistent daily routine, starting with taking the kids to school, working out, and then diving into my projects. I typically eat lunch with my husband, and the afternoon is reserved for spending time with my family and eating dinner together. I’m proud of how I’ve structured my life to spend quality time with my family, while also giving myself space to focus on my career and unwind with a good book.

If you were to start again, what would you do differently?

I would have trusted that I could have gone out on my own much sooner. It took some time for me to feel confident in my ability to market myself and obtain clients. Bragging has always felt uncomfortable for me, but I realize that marketing my talents is pivotal to survival as a small business.

Please share a quote that you have found particularly meaningful or inspiring.

“The thing that matters is not what you bear but how you bear it” – Seneca. Life throws us all sorts of challenges and tribulations. At the end of the day, keeping your head held high and moving forward with grace is the best thing you can do.

Francesca Cronan Looks Forward to the Future

As our conversation with Cronan drew to a close, it became clear that her success stems from a deep-rooted passion for language and a devotion to quality. Through The Write Sisters, Cronan continues to make her mark in the professional writing industry, helping clients find their voice and tell their stories with clarity and impact.