6 Tips To Consider When Organizing an Event


Whether you are planning a wedding, birthday party, corporate event, or a conference in London, UK, detailed planning and organization are the basics that are often required to organize a successful event.

But, the truth is, event planning is always a huge and, sometimes, exhausting task! Maybe you’re organising a large conference or organizing a small meeting, you must be ready to cross all your t’s and dot your I’s because a single mistake can be very costly and mess up all the efforts you’ve put in so far.

There are usually several things you’ll have to consider when you’re planning to organize an event – and yes, it can all be overwhelming. Just as you’re thinking of ways to promote your event and trying to establish an accurate budget, your mind might, as well, be flooded with an array of things that you’d love to cross off your event to-do list. And, as we said earlier, this could be very overwhelming.

However, you don’t have to fret because you can keep track and maximize the success of your event when you put these tips into consideration. So, if you are planning your first event or your next event, you should consider using these tips to organize a successful event.

#1. Develop Your Event Goal and Objectives

Why do you want to organize an event? What do you intend to achieve from this? Establishing a tangible goal and objectives is the first thing to do when you’re planning your event. For instance, you stand a high chance of enjoying an all-around success for your event if you’re aware of the key goals of your organizations before you start making plans (if you’re planning a company event).

#2. Organize Your Team

Handling all the details by yourself can wear you out. When it comes to planning events, there is often so much to do and it can be difficult to get it all done on your own. You’ll need a team that will work concertedly to help you keep things in check. As such, it’s advised that you delegate tasks to chairpersons for subcommittees and have an event chair or an event manager. Unless you are planning a simple birthday party or a hangout, these are some of the areas where you’ll need to appoint a chairperson who will be dedicated to the success that concerns that part of the event;

  • Volunteer management
  • Sponsors
  • Publicity
  • Entertainment
  • Speakers
  • Venue management

In your event plan timing, be conscious of accounting for committee meetings and create room for delegations. And, also take note that you can prevent tasks from going south and create a system of accountability when you assign individual roles to team members.

#3. Establish Your Budget

Your budget will go a long way to determine the kind and quality of the event. if you’re running on a shoestring budget you probably will not be looking at creating a complex or grand event. And you probably won’t even need to run through most of these tips. But, if your event is going to be grand, you need to check your budget to ensure that it will conveniently cover the costs of your event. Before you begin a plan, you must never forget to put your budget into consideration. If you don’t, the chances are high that your great idea will fall by the wayside. In planning an event, one of the most important parts is to establish the budget of the event.

However, note that your budget must include some of these critical expenses;

●     A/V

Encompassing a wide variety of costs, this category features items like speakers, Wi-Fi, and projectors.

●     Software

Incorporating event management software into your plans is also a great idea, as it makes it easier to track the event. Utilizing trusted event WiFi rental services also ensures that your event is equipped with reliable and high-speed internet throughout the event. So, it’s advisable that you consider it when planning your event, especially if it’s a corporate one.

●     Marketing

There are two ways to do this; you may choose to go the traditional way by putting flyers up all over town or go modern by promoting your event through social media.

●     Staff

If you have a staff, don’t forget that their transportation and lodging costs are very essential and shouldn’t be omitted from the budget.

●     Décor

You’ll be able to determine the kind of decor you can afford when you establish the costs upfront. Whether you want to hire lighting equipment for special effects, go for a little fancier decor, or just oblige to a DIY mason jar, just let your budget align with whatever you plan to do. You should keep in mind that the type of lighting required differs based on the type of event you’re planning. For instance, weddings in London tend to work well with soft and warm lighting, unlike birthday or bachelorette parties which require bolder and more colourful lights.

●     Entertainment

This part can actually be tricky because it can as well embrace travel and accommodation costs for entertainers.

●     Food and Drinks

You already know how vital food and drink are, so be prudent with your plans.

●     Venue

The event will definitely be held somewhere, right? So, are you paying for the venue? Will there be any insurance fee too? These are all important things to consider during event planning. The venue is critical to the success of the event.

●     Miscellaneous

You’ll not be caught unawares when you account for some additional costs that may come up.

#4. Set The Date

You can proceed to book any external staff as soon as you’ve set the date. However, make sure you check dates with key participants, avoid school holiday periods, be aware of statutory and religious holidays, and above all, give yourself enough time.

#5. Create an Event Master Plan

So that everything moves smoothly, consider creating a detailed timeline while planning your event.

Your event master plan should encompass some of these aspects;

  • Responsibilities
  • Volunteer management
  • Sponsor and partner management
  • Registration
  • Publicity and promotion
  • Activities and entertainment
  • Speakers and presenters
  • The venue, logistics, & catering management

#6. Brand Your Event

This is a good idea if you are planning a corporate or business event. You’ll be setting yourself apart from your competition when you choose a timely and compelling theme. For your event to stand out, you can take these three simple steps;

  • Brainstorm names
  • Create a tagline
  • Design a logo

Organizing an event is not an easy feat, but you can always make things way easier for yourself by making use of some useful tips.