Nowadays people are becoming more conscious of the effects our daily lives have on the environment. Therefore, a lot of folks are taking measures to reduce their carbon footprint and waste.
could play a massive role in this new way of living. This may surprise you since you did not expect it, but it is definitely true. 3D printing Nashville is already contributing to the sustainable steps taken by people around the world. It can be used to produce objects out of recycled materials, but also to develop products for eco-friendly goals. Three examples of these can be found below.
Robotic flowers
This 3D printed product focuses on improving the planet, which is done by improving habitats for bees. Michael Candy has created 3D printed robotic flowers. These objects provide bees with safe pollination. This is not as easy as it sounds, because bees are not easy to deceive. Therefore, it was necessary to design flowers that look as real as possible. Of course, they still need to have a functional nectar delivery system. This was made possible with the help of 3D printing. The robotic flowers allow bees to continue their pollination process in a safe manner.
Zero-waste skirt
Fast fashion has a big impact on the waste and pollution of our planet, which is thus a massive problem. Fashion designer Julia Daviy decided to use a mix of organic materials and 3D printing to produce more sustainable pieces of clothing. Her zero-waste, 3D printed, customized skirt is a great example of this. Julia created a beautiful skirt with the help of a patented zero-waste 3D printing process and recyclable filaments. This enables customers to make sustainable choices when they want to purchase new clothing. In an interview with 3D Printing Media Network Daviy said that she wants environmentally-friendly clothes to be the standard.
Orange juice cups
Consumers have realized that making small changes can have big impacts to avoid waste. An example of this is a juice cup that has been created by Carlo Ratti Associati, an Italian studio. They have developed a machine that produces a material by combining an orange’s peel with PLA, which will then be used to 3D print a cup for orange juice. After the cup has been used, it can be placed back into the machine. It will then be recycled to create even more cups.