Top 5 tips for business cards


Tip No 1 – Get the best looking business card you can afford!

Remember, once you’re gone, all they have left to remember you by is your business card – so make sure it’s made a good impression!

This means getting it designed properly, and having your branding consistent with your website etc, so it’s a consistent message to would-be-clients.

Tip No 2 – Ignore the rubbish people say about being able to write on it

So many so-called experts talk about this. But far more important is the quality of the card and the design (see tip 1). Most people that talk about this say you should be able to write on the card so they can make notes to remember you by. Well if they can’t remember you to start with, you’re obviously not that memorable. That’s not a good sign!

If someone represents a genuine opportunity to you, it’s YOUR responsibility to follow up with those people – so keep those cards separate from the others and get them in your CRM system or diary – fast – if they represent genuine opportunities to you.

Tip No 3 – Only pass cards to people you want to keep in contact with

From a sales point of view, there’s pretty much zero point in just handing out your cards to everyone and collecting theirs – unless you’re just keeping the printers in business!

Let’s face it – you’re not going to follow up with everyone anyway (unless you think that a ‘standard email’ is following up? I hope not!), so why bother? Ask for and keep the cards of the people you want to stay in touch with….

Tip No 4 – Have something memorable on your card

Have something memorable on your business card that makes you stand out from your competitors. And by memorable, I don’t mean cheesy! If you are the face of your business, a picture is essential. Spot varnish and cut outs are fairly inexpensive options these days to make you appear different. Otherwise, direct the recipient to an offer or certain part of your website designed to engage them with you and your company.

Tip No 5 – When face-to-face, exchange them at the start of the meeting

So many people get this wrong. If you’re in a face-to-face meeting with a client, exchange them at the beginning of the meetings. This saves the ‘awkward moments’ wondering about when it’s a good time to exchange them. Put the card on the table in front of you, so you can easily remember the client’s name and responsibilities – I’ve seen too many people forget the client’s name part-way through a sales meeting! Don’t let this happen to you.

Follow the tips above and watch your sales soar!