“Delivering dynamic growth” HowSMEs can build business advantage in the cloud


Acertis Cloud is a leading provider of on-demand CRM services and solutions that enable companies of all sizes across all industries to grow their businesses. Today the company, which runs its whole business in the cloud, is achieving dynamic growth thanks to a cloud-based application development platform that supports the production of the latest generation of Cloud 2 apps.
“We were attracted to the approach because it offered us the opportunity to speed up the application development process by eliminating the complexity of managing and maintaining software and hardware infrastructure,” Orsborn explains.
“Today, we are using the platform to develop our own customised project management system incorporating timesheets, expenses and assorted operational items.
“It comes down to speed and ease of deployment, both of which are major issues for SMEs. It is easy to rapidly prototype applications and assess whether or not they are going to work. I have worked with numerous technology solutions in the past and nothing has compared with this approach in terms of ease and speed of both prototyping and development.
“The platform also has a key role to play in streamlining the management decision-making process. The ability to use function-specific apps that enable you to see real-time performance dashboards, to monitor finance, marketing, HR and workflow, to see the sales pipeline and to estimate cash flow, are massive value adds for any business owner. And the ability to collaborate on projects at anytime from anywhere is equally key. This kind of capability is really levelling the playing field for SMEs like ourselves, enabling us to compete on equal terms with our larger enterprise peers.”
From our perspective at salesforce.com, the experience of Acertis Cloud epitomises the experience of many SMEs who have made the decision to switch to a business approach based on cloud computing. Today, growing numbers of these organisations are reaping the rewards of reduced IT costs, rapid IT implementation and upgrades, enhanced scalability – and increasingly in this new Cloud 2 age – real-time business collaboration and enterprise mobility.