Wasted energy is money down the drain


New top tips to avoid unnecessary spend on bills

The average business energy bill now represents 0.51% of total turnover, up 70% on 2010 figures. With the economy in its current state as well, it is no surprise that businesses are tightening their belts wherever possible.

This can lead to anything from staff cuts, to less office space, to slashed training budgets – but businesses should also be looking at the smaller things closer to home in order to reduce costs.

We all know about turning down the thermostat, and switching to energy-saving light bulbs so at Energy Forecaster.co.uk, we have devised some tips that we think you won’t have heard before on how businesses can stop wasting energy, and start saving money:

1. Make energy-saving a competition:

Get staff involved in saving energy. Alternate the member of staff in charge of energy-saving each week and take meter readings to see who can cut your energy usage by the most, with a prize for the winner.

2. More than one tea at a time:

Everyone dreads doing the drinks run, but sneaky cups of tea for one often mean the over-filled kettle is boiled repeatedly throughout the day. Set some new rules; from now on, anyone boiling the kettle has to make tea for a set number of people, for example a minimum of four.

3. Make sure computers are turned off every night:

We’ve all been guilty of it – needing a quick exit or a quick start in the morning. But, leaving computers on overnight is costly for a business. Ensure that the last one leaving each night does a monitor check, and don’t be afraid to name and shame the guilty ones.

4. Charity donations:

Set a compulsory rule that if staff wish to charge their mobile phones at work, they must donate a minimum sum to charity.

5. DIY insulation:

If you can’t afford to have professional insulation installed, there are a few cheap tricks you can rely on. Try sticking bubble wrap to your windows (in place of double-glazing) or sewing your own draught-excluders for leaky doors and window frames.

6. Encourage staff to work from home on one allocated day per week/month:

This way, staff will use their own heating and electricity rather than a business’s.