The most important things that you need to know to be famous in Clubhouse


Technologies don’t stop to amaze us, and each year we get introduced to a new type of platform. Interestingly, to succeed in today’s world, platforms should have unique and specific characteristics that help them get viral.

For example, Snapchat was the first social media app that introduced posting pictures or videos for a short period, and the media disappeared after that.

The Clubhouse is a new social media platform, which became very popular recently. If you aren’t part of it, then most definitely you have heard about it. Below you will find information about everything that you need to know about Clubhouse and how musicianписаs can use it to promote their music.

What is a Clubhouse?

The Clubhouse is a new social media platform that is based on audio. The platform combines people from different parts of the world who can discuss various topics.

The user can join different rooms(chats), listen to other people, and express their thoughts. Each room has a specific type of topic, and the user chooses which one he or she is interested in.

Clubhouse brings together people from different parts of the world and sphere, and as a result, it is an excellent networking opportunity. For example, you can join a particular room where the topic is marketing, and if you are in that sphere, you can tell the listeners about your profession. Hence you may get to know many new people, and these may open new doors for you.

How Can You Become Part of Clubhouse?

The Clubhouse is not like other social media platforms. To become part of the platform, you need to have an invite from one of the users. So you won’t be able to download the application and sign in. It makes the platform more exclusive and creates an impression of a small community.

Another aspect of Clubhouse is that only IOS users have an opportunity to use the app. Maybe this is connected with some technical issues or something else. However, Clubhouse plans to make the app accessible for everyone who desires to be part of the platform. The platform became viral very quickly, so it is hard sustaining a new app with such a large number of users.

Best tips on how to be successful in Clubhouse

There are plenty of opportunities and advantages for musicians on different social media platforms. Of course, Clubhouse is not an exception, and with the right strategy, musicians can benefit a lot. As it is a new platform, and there are not very many users, you’ll have more opportunities to stand out. Below we will introduce you to a couple of helpful tips.

1. Use Clubhouse Every Day

Start to use the app as soon as you get invited to it. At first, Clubhouse will give you a couple of invites to also invite others. So, to get more invites and popularity, make sure that you invite your friends to the platform.

The first thing you should do is find groups that interest you and help you promote your music. There are both big and small groups; however, you will have more chances to talk about your music and promote it in small groups.

We highly advise you to listen to as much as you can. Try not only to hear but also participate in the conversations. It will help you to connect with people and enlarger your audience by attracting them.

2. Have a Good Bio

Bio is an essential part of every social media platform. It makes the first impression, and people may get interested in you if you have a strong bio. In your Clubhouse bio, you can leave links to your other social media platforms. Also, put links for your music so that people can click on it and get directed to listen to your music.

If you have a website, it is better to put the link of your website, as it may help you look more professional and give information to people. Have a beautiful and professional picture, finalize your bio, and you will attract more and more followers.

3. Start Creating Your Community

At first, someone invites you, then you start to participate in different conversations, and the next step is to create your community. You should make your rooms and groups with specific topics, and invite others to join it. Try to attract as many people as you can so that more people can get introduced to your music.

Invite your friends and other relatives who are part of the Clubhouse. At first, you should not accept that you will become one of the biggest influencers. However, everything needs time, and you’ll make your audience more significant step by step. Start from the small steps, and later you will notice how the community becomes bigger.