2020 has certainly proven to be in interesting year and we have yet to see what the coming months have in store.
With phrases such as “social distancing” and “self-isolation” becoming commonplace, there is no doubt that countless individuals are enduring a number of challenges. While the health-related effects of the recent COVID-19 outbreak cannot be overstated, we also need to remember that many individuals will be suffering from emotional stress and anxiety.
This is why it is more important than ever before to develop a positive mental outlook so that this “storm” can be weathered. What are some interesting strategies to consider and are there any pitfalls to avoid along the way? If you feel that life has been turned upside down, you are not alone and the information found below should help.
Creating a Goal-Oriented Perspective
One of the reasons why many of us have found it difficult to cope arises from the fact that our semblance of normalcy has been removed. As opposed to measuring the days between pay cycles or looking forward to a night out on the town with friends, we have been forced to remain locked down within our homes and apartments for weeks on end. This will obviously take a mental toll.
Such feelings can be combated by developing what are known as “smart goals” The word “smart” is actually an acronym for:
- Specific
- Measurable
- Ambitious
- Realistic
- Time-bound
In other words, make it a point to write down a handful of personal goals, to ensure that they are feasible and to attach a firm date in regards to when they can be completed. This is an excellent way to avoid the mental “doldrums” while remaining upbeat.
Appreciate How You are Mentally Handling the Situation
All humans experience various levels of sadness and even depression. This has been apparent for some time and handy references such as the Kubler Ross stages of grief are often used by therapists to determine the condition of their patient. The good news is that these very same stages can be used to appreciate how we are personally handling the current pandemic. Some individuals may still be in denial that such a condition exists.
Others can become angry due to the fact that they cannot change the current situation. Depression may also exist; particularly relevant to those who may have known someone infected or have recently lost their job. Finally, the majority will come to some form of acceptance and what can be called a semblance of mental tranquillity.
Try to determine if one or more of these feelings are relevant to your current state of mind. Of course, it is always possible to feel a mixture of two or more. The main takeaway point here is that those who are able to identify their emotions are more likely to come to terms with them. Although what we are currently enduring is by no means easy or predictable, this situation will inevitably pass with time.