An energy performance certificate is a compulsory requirement for all properties in the market in Belfast, Northern Ireland. It does not matter whether the building is new or an existing dwelling.
The Energy Performance Certificate shows the energy efficiency and carbon emissions. The EU legislation requires landlords and estate agents to make the EPCs available to potential homeowners.
Landlords are also required to have EPCs for rentals and make the EPCs available to potential tenants. Landlords also need to apply for a new EPC in case of installation of a new heating system.
Also, an EPC is necessary when some form of extension is done on a building i.e. a conservatory or loft conversion. While on that note of loft conversions, if you are looking to do something with your lofts, be sure to head on over to meet up with the experts responsible for all the loft conversion wimbledon.
EPC Assessors
Only an Accredited Domestic Energy Assessor can carry out an EPC inspection on behalf of landlords and property owners. The inspector takes a look at the property and notes the size of the house, the model and make of the boiler, and heating control systems among other things. The information is fed into government-approved software to generate the Energy Performance Certificates.
What information is displayed on an EPC?
The EPC contains information on the type of house (bungalow, semi or detached building), energy rating and carbon emissions. The certificates give a comprehensive report on the summary of the home’s energy performance, the annual cost of energy and recommendations for improving the EPC rating. The carbon emission ratings include the environmental impact of the heating system.
EPC requirements of refurbished buildings
In the case of refurbishments, the data collected by an assessor may not consider wall or loft insulation unless certified completion of works is provided by Northern Ireland Building Control, who can be contacted here, or confirmation of completed works in a letterhead by an approved builder. There are recommendations on the certificates on how to improve your rating and improve energy efficiency. Alternatively, advice can be offered on EPCs requirements in Belfast by epc4less, Belfast’s main supplier of EPCs.
Energy Efficiency Rating
Energy efficiency rating is the primary purpose of an EPC. The measurement factors of the EPC are the same to make it easy to compare the energy performance of different properties. The best rating is an A that shows that a building has optimization for energy saving. An ‘A’ ranking building also has minimum carbon emission. The lowest energy performance rating is G, followed by an F rating. A house with G ranking has poor insulation, a high energy consumption heating system and excessive carbon emission.
The average rating is an E rating, which is equivalent to 50%. The other elements of the inspection also have a ranking. For example, the carbon emission gets its rating and recommendations on how to make improvements.
Estimated costs of running your home
When energy professionals conduct an EPC inspection, like epc4less surveyors in Belfast, you get estimated costs for your current energy bills. Sometimes, the energy bill may be lower or higher than the actual energy bill. The fact is that the report may not factor in other energy bills like cooking or special lighting.
Finally, the Energy Performance Certificates give an estimate of the cost for making improvement. Landlords and sellers are under no obligation to follow through with the recommendations.