7 Tips To Get Your Guest Posts Published


With so many digital platforms and chances to monetize them, the concept of guest posting is widely accepted.

To keep it simple, guest posts are mainly bloggers posting on each other’s personal blogs. This is a crucial activity to increase engagement, website traffic and build a blog into a brand. For budding writers, guest posts are good opportunities to gain an audience.

So, how can you assure that your guest posts are eligible for publishing on another blog? Let us find out.

7 Tips for Your Successful Guest Posting

  1. Think of a niche: There are millions of blogs all over the web, with millions of topics that are generated almost every day. So it is a smart move to choose a subject or niche that you can focus on. Good bloggers are a result of regular writing and once a niche is picked, it can help you focus on improving your writing skills. When you approach another blogger for your guest posting, you can approach them with a certain niche. This will make your guest-post idea more convincing and give you the guarantee of being published.
  2. Determine your goal for guest posting: Blogging is an important digital activity on the web. And there are different reasons for people to take up this activity. While some may be interested in their brand publicity, others are looking for monetised writing opportunities and some may do it just for the reach. In most cases, anyone interested in guest posting is looking to gain organic traffic on their site. This means that there will be direct searches and visits to your page from search engines. If you look through the SEO guidelines of https://studiohawk.com.au, their emphasis is always on building organic traffic. And a specific objective helps you make your blog more attractive as a guest post.

  3. Have a collection of topics in your niche: With a chosen niche and writing experience, you get access to a wide range of topics over time. The more varied and interesting your topics are, the more chance there is for a fellow blogger to approach you. While discussing your guest post, make sure to give them a collection of topics to choose from. Since you have expertise on the subject, they can have the chance to choose the kind of topic they would like to publish on their blog.
  4. Practice the blogging habit: Writing is a matter of practice more than anything. So when you are focussing on a blog of your own, always engage daily. Try developing a blogging habit, posting – if not daily – at least twice a week. As you write and post on your blogs, you understand the strategy of successful blogging. The more audience you gain, the more likely it is that you have other bloggers recognizing you. So when you approach them with your idea for a guest-post, it gives you some assurance about getting published.

  5. Create a good pitch: Like any other business deal, a guest-posting deal has to be arranged. So there needs to be a good pitch from the end of the person guest posting on another blog. Here are a few things you should remember while presenting a good pitch:
  • Select a target blog, their work and how they can help you build an audience
  • Keep your portfolio ready in case you are asked to showcase it
  • The hard work you put into a guest post, shows your sincerity and makes way for a good relationship in future.
  1. Track and Follow up: Keep in touch with your blog of choice after you have sent them your final article. Ask for an acknowledgement of your written work and get an idea of when you can expect the post to be published. The most crucial thing to look out for in any guest post is the original credit for an article. So make sure that no one claims their writing to be their own, just because it is being posted on their blog.
  1. Settle on payments beforehand: Guest posts are one of the best digital techniques to monetize your blog. The blog you have chosen to publish in knows the same. So make sure that you are talking about payments before confirming a guest-posting. There are a number of financing options for bloggers as to how much they can spend on guest posts. This is why, if you are choosing a popular blog, fix your pay rate according to their traffic.

These are a few ideas you can use when you are looking for a good guest-posting opportunity. So start today and make the right decision to get published.