4 Simple Tips To Help Make Your Money Site a Success


Everything is online these days — you know it, your parents know it, even you’re less than tech-savvy grandparents know it.

So, when you come to build an online store, you need to be able to accommodate just about anyone who wanders onto your site. Your whole site needs to be user-friendly, look good, and sell your product or service to the customer.

You have likely heard a lot of this before, but it is always good to have a quick tick list reminder on hand when you are creating your eCommerce site. Here are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind when building your online store.

1. The Layout

There is a bit of science to creating the perfect layout for your site. You can actually draw attention to certain areas of your page to promote items or services simply by placing them in the right spot on a webpage.

The most important thing to remember with the layout is to make it clean and neat. You don’t want things in illogical places on the page, causing it to look overcrowded or unreadable. You need your page to make sense, have a flow to it, and provide the information it needs to in a succinct and easy-to-digest manner.

Once you have the webpage for desktop sorted you should make it work for mobile too.

Nothing will make people bounce from your site quicker than if your website isn’t optimized and designed for mobile users. Give your desktop and mobile design the time and attention it requires to perfect your aesthetic, so you can retain your customers.

2. The Descriptions

Product descriptions need to be short, sweet, and to the point.

There isn’t much point in adding lots of fluff that isn’t relevant to the product. Steer clear of anything that detracts from the value of what you’re offering and get down to the facts.

For example, if you’re selling electronics, mention the batteries it needs or the accessories it comes with. If you are selling a packaged service, mention all the components users will receive when they buy your bundle.

You can then add a bit of flavor to up-sell the item or service by targeting keywords, but you have to make sure that the product details are all there and that the descriptions read well first and foremost.

3. Easy Access to Help

No one wants to feel like they are alone trying to figure out what product does what and what’s best for them.

Have a system in place where your customers can easily contact you for information. Whether that is an integrated chatbot system, an email, or a phone number, have something your customers can reach you on.

4. Supporting Content

You need some good supporting content. Optimized, informative, and promotional content can bring people in and give them the opportunity to click through to products on your site.

Think about where your buyer is on their journey (and funnel!) and create targeted content to capture their interest.

You may also want to consider having buyer’s guides on your site, that go through the pros and cons and who a product might work best for. They can really draw people in and can work well alongside your existing content.

To Conclude

These are all things you have likely started working on these things, or it’s at least on a to-do list. Essentially this article is here to prompt you on important things to help get your site the attention it deserves.