Would we really care if BlackBerry were to go bust?


BlackBerry will always remain a prestigious company, due to the fact that it was once one of the biggest mobile solutions manufacturer of all time, managing to turn over a profit of billions.

But within the last few years, business has started to fail for BlackBerry, with it now looking for a new buyer. And if it doesn’t, then there’s a strong possibility that it could end up going bust. But the question is, would we really care? Because there’s plenty of better options out there anyway.

A few years ago, and before the smartphone was even a proper smartphone with all the possibilities they possess today, BlackBerry was once creating handsets that were ground-breaking for the time, sporting features such as being able to email and communicate in a fashion you wouldn’t have been able to have done with a basic phone.

However, we are now in an era where competition is ever more abundant than it was back in the early 2000. And I guess that one of the main reasons behind the demise of BlackBerry comes by the expanding availability of modern smartphones such as the iPhone – a device that offers up a lot of functionality.

Not only did BlackBerry used to create amazing mobile solutions and handsets such as the BlackBerry Bold, but it was once the market leader of creating mobile solutions for people in business. But the thing is, BlackBerry was able to launch new smartphones without any trouble at all.

Although today, it’s just been unable to keep up with the competition, due to its ethos of trying to be different. But it seems that people prefer to have more similar options nowadays, which doesn’t exactly make that much sense.

I mean, it’s always nice to be able to choose between two great things that are pretty similar in terms of specifications and what they actually do. Plus, you could also say it’s BlackBerry’s own fault for trying too hard to make tits brand appeal to the younger generation, rather than just focusing on business users.

As a modern-day manufacturer of smartphones, BlackBerry just doesn’t seem to want to be able to meet the expectations we all expect, which can be shown through the fact that it delayed the launch of BlackBerry 10 for more than two years. And that alone just doesn’t have the “wow factor” that business users want and need, which only goes to show that BlackBerry isn’t trying hard enough to compete with its competitors.

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