
Number of business failures drops, but not to 2008 figures

The leading business information provider, Equifax, has released its Business Failures Report for the second quarter of this year today. The reports shows a welcome slowing down in the pace of businesses going under compared to earlier in the year and all of 2009, however, the actual number of failures is not quite back to the pre-recession levels of early 2008.


BT brings unlimited calls to businesses for £15 per month

BT has announced it is the first UK communications provider to offer unlimited fixed line calling packages for small businesses. The high value BT Business One Plan Inclusive packages offer unlimited calling minutes to UK landlines, UK mobiles, international destinations and 0845 and 0870 numbers for a fixed fee of £15 per month. This fee is further reduced to £12.50 per month if customers take the unlimited package on a VoIP line and on the face of it represents significant savings for small business.


Small business gets its own TV channel

If talk is cheap, genuinely practical advice and support is invaluable for business owners struggling to access finance and left numb by the politicians’ promises. The Forum of Private Business (FPB) has launched www.smallbusinesschannel.co.uk a free new online service advising entrepreneurs on a range of key business issues – including approaching banks for credit.

Mandelson’s billion pound business support package is not enough say key business leaders

Leading business organisations have given a guarded response to the government’s £11bn loan guarantee package with many voicing the opinion that it ‘did not go far enough’ to help businesses starved of credit.

The employers’ organisation, the CBI, said certain important companies needed to refinance £100bn of credit facilities this year. "The scale of the problem goes well beyond what the government has announced today. The sense of living on borrowed time is palpable," the CBI’s director-general, Richard Lambert, said.