With parts of England covered in another thick layer of snow we talked to Simon Devonshire from O2 and got his top ten tips on being able to work remotely to ensure that business productivity doesn’t go down. That is unless you do want to go outside and make snow balls with the kids.
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Public WiFi security tips
Access to the Internet via public “hotspots” is growing and will continue to grow as more and more hotspots are made available. We have McDonalds offering free Internet access and even Boris Johnson proposing that London becomes a WiFi city, with free WiFi, following the likes of Norwich.
The Right Formula for Data Leak Protection
Whether on the race track, on the web or in the boardroom, data leaks are invariably bad news. Just ask Ferrari and McLaren, the F1 giants embroiled in controversy over allegedly stolen technical documents. Or Facebook, who mistakenly exposed a slice of their own source code recently, and thereby possibly their own users. Or Monster.com, who made the monster mistake of losing over a million customer records to expert “phishers.”