
So, how do i choose a trainer?

Training is a great investment to make in your staff and the efficiency of your business, but choosing a training provider you can work well with can be a bit of a minefield. What is it you are looking for in a training company, and what do you hope to gain from the training? A few questions can set you on the right track to a successful long term relationship with your provider.


Big brother is watching you…

Employees. Always good to have them where you can see them right? To make sure they are in the door at 9am, working solidly and then out the door no earlier than 5pm? Ban Facebook from the office to make sure opportunities to skive are minimal and if we can give them clocking in/out cards, so much the better. After all, if the boss is sitting there watching their staff, productivity is almost guaranteed, isn’t it?


Lottery awards £250,000 to help more students make money and a difference

Enterprise UK’s eagerly anticipated annual Make Your Mark with a Tenner campaign is doubling in size, offering twice as many students the opportunity to make money and make a difference with a £10 loan. Thanks to a grant of £250,000 from the Big Lottery Fund there will be more opportunities than ever this year for young people to flex their entrepreneurial muscles; making a profit and social impact.


Doug Richard: Government policies hinder innovation and stifle business

Doug Richard, the ex-dragon and founder of the School for Startups, has written a manifesto for enterprise to be published this week. In it Mr Richard will say that present Government policies hinder innovation and stifle economic development, with his most damning suggestion is that the Government’s Business Link venture, which is supposed to support small and medium-sized enterprises, should be dismantled.


Cameron: I want Britain to be the place for business & entrepreneurship

David Cameron has announced that a Conservative government, should his party win the forthcoming election later this year, will be pro-business and pro-entrepreneurs.

Speaking, this morning on the Andrew Marr show on BBC1, he outlined a number of plans to ensure that British business overcomes the current global recession and ensures that it becomes one of the best places to start, run and grow, a business in the world.


Snow costs UK economy £690million per day

The freezing weather conditions and snow have forced millions of people to stay at home, with road and school closures preventing them from working. With the bad weather set to continue for another three weeks, insurer RSA predicts that a day of severe snow could cost the UK economy as much as £690million a day as businesses lose out to the weather.


Aint no Sunshine when your job’s gone

I nearly choked on my tea when I read a twitter link to a Daily Mail article about 64% of workers booking holidays online do so from their desks. How dare they even think it let alone actually do it. Apparently it is down to Monday Blues and in particular the Monday when everyone returns after the Christmas break.
Surely I am not the only person who finds it truly astonishing to think that employees, whilst supposedly working to earn the money to pay for their holidays, think it’s their right to do this without any recourse what so ever.