Research revealed today finds that whilst nearly three quarters of fraud professionals think mobile devices will be the key facilitator of identification in the future, over half feel that they will present the biggest single point of compromise for fraud in the future.
Currently, just 43 per cent of UK organisations are using mobile phone checks as a form of identity verification but one in five are planning to implement it over the next three years. This is unsurprising given that half of respondents believe that name and address data will be obsolete as a verification measure 먹튀검증 in the future.
The research indicates that companies are moving towards digital attributes such as email address and devices. When asked which piece of customer data provides the most fraud risk insights, email addresses came second with 44 per cent.
John Cannon, Commercial Director, Callcredit Information Group, commented: “Over the past decade mobile phones have taken an increasingly important role in our society. One small part of this is how they have changed the fraud landscape. But there is an underlying tension when it comes to mobile for the fraud prevention industry – they are a key avenue in identity verification but they also represent significant risk.
“Fraud professionals must focus on using them to their advantage. By deploying tech-enabled identification solutions, mobile devices can actually help play a role in strengthening fraud prevention strategies, through enabling the quick and accurate verification of individuals.”
Cannon concluded: “As mobile devices become the key to unlocking services, fraudsters will increasingly target them, so being able to increase security checks without impacting genuine customers is vital.”