My Influences…. Aisha Daghem – Solicitor at Douglas Jones Mercer


Entrepreneur you Admire

Victoria Beckham: She has gone on to reinvent herself as a respected and sought after business woman and fashion designer, making a very successful career for herself developing the Beckham brand.

Favourite Film
I don’t think I could choose a favourite film as it depends on the mood I am in but the following are some of my favourites; Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Forest Gump, Iron Man films and As Good As It Gets.

I have a very varied taste in music, loving everything from popular chart songs to opera and Jazz and Blues. I recently went to see Hugh Laurie and The Cooper Bottom Band in concert and the whole concert was brilliant. I would love to do a music tour of North America to places such as Chicago and New Orleans.

Favourite TV Show
Any period drama. My recent favourites being Downton Abbey and more recently The White Queen. But I will always love to re-watch the BBC adaption of Pride and Prejudice.

Cats. My mum is a big fan of the musical, and growing up in London I must have seen it over six times. It reminds me of days out as a child with my Mum, and the soundtrack never gets boring!

Holiday Destination
I love travelling and I struggle to decide on one place as my favourite. However, as a child I used to spend my summer holidays on an Island called Ischia in the Amalfi Costs. The location and scenery of the island is breathtaking and I am still surprised on every visit by the truly enchanting beauty of the Amalfi Coast. Of course, the food is also amazing!

Any cookery book. I Iove finding new unusual cookery books, some of favourite I bought during my time in Italy. I have also recently discovered the real benefit of self-help books, either focused on business or personal matters. I have recently finished The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari and found it to be a really interesting read.

A person you admire
My mum. She has always taught me to be strong, determined and to want the best in life. More importantly, she has taught me to learn from the bad days and carry on.