Getting to know you: Victoria Brannen


What do you currently do?
I am currently the Chief Executive Officer of a boutique Asset Management Company, Maya Asset Management LLP.  We are a small enterprise, which has specialism in the Leisure & Tourism industry, but is also diversifying and progressing into other business sectors.
What is your inspiration in Business?
To create and develop a sustainable business that is focused on the people involved, creating a culture and environment that allow people to thrive and reach their full potential.
Who do you admire?
My Mum.  She is at my house by 6.30am every morning to rally my two sons and I into shape and will be there until I get home, whatever time.  She was the key factor that enabled me to set up Maya and dedicate the time and commitment to getting it off the ground.  The love and support she provides to my family unit and the well being of all of us balances my conscience at times when the hours are long and stress levels are high. I am the envy of every working mother who has met her.
Looking back, are there things you would have done differently?
No, hindsight is a wonderful thing.  Whilst I have not always enjoyed where I have been or situations I have had to negotiate, I am a great believer in fate and think you’re often led to make decisions by your instinct as you were meant to learn a lesson or end up in a space where another opportunity will then present itself.
What defines your way of doing business?
In business, skills and expertise are essential, but this needs to be coupled with a large degree of emotional intelligence if you are going to be successful.   Being able to understand people and how they operate is key to being able to negotiate your way through.  It enables you to get the best out of your business relationships and can give you a competitive advantage. People buy people.
What advice would you give to someone just starting out?
Do your research; surround yourself with people who are highly capable (albeit this can be challenging to manage); build trusting relationships with your staff, suppliers and all who touch your business as this will get you through the tough times, but most of all trust your instinct.  Oh, and don’t be afraid to admit it when you have got it wrong, people respect you for that!