Getting To Know You: Ed Prescott, Managing Director, Prescott Jones Insurance Solutions


What do you currently do?

I am Managing Director of [ilink url=””]Prescott Jones Insurance Solutions[/ilink] , an independent commercial insurance brokerage established 22 years ago, now with offices based in Swansea, Cardiff and Bristol.

What is your inspiration in the business?
I am inspired by my dream to see the business grow profitably, by providing a first class service to our clients and ensuring my team and I enjoy the journey.

Who do you admire?
I would have to say my wife Rhian. The support she has provided along the way has been invaluable in allowing me to invest the time and effort needed to build the business. This was particularly poignant in the early years, when she was raising our family while I was establishing the business.

Looking back are there things you would have done differently?
I am pleased to say that I wouldn’t have done much differently. However, our expanding geographical footprint has been a great success and so, with hindsight, I may have made this move earlier.

What defines your way of doing business?
Employing the right team and empowering them. As my role is to ensure good communication and coordination throughout the company, my philosophy aims to support and add confidence to my team. I want them to work hard and enjoy their job. It is really important to me that they go home on a Friday solely concerned about spending time with the family and not thinking about the business.

What advice would you give to someone just starting out?
Seek out mentors and professional advisers who have experience and listen carefully to their advice. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel at every turn. When you start employing, don’t settle for second best and once you have the right people, look after them as they are your most precious commodity.