Chief Operations Manager of Zale Mortgage Colby Flynn Provides Insight Into His Career As An Industry Leading Professional

Lead generation

Colby Flynn is the Chief Operations Manager at Zale Mortgage – a comprehensive marketing system helping loan officers systemize lead generations.

Born in West Bloomfield, Michigan, Colby attended Florida International University before experiencing his own success in the business landscape. Offering a wide range of services including multi channel advertising campaigns, the professionals at Zale Mortgage are helping revolutionize the industry.

When not working as operations manager of Zale Mortgage, Colby enjoys all types of exercise, especially fishing and kayaking.

What do you currently do at your company?

I’m the operations manager at Zale Mortgage, so I work closely with our departments and team leaders. I oversee all daily operations to ensure everything runs smoothly and that our clients remain satisfied.

What defines your way of doing business?

I define business by ensuring that all of our internal decisions are team-based. We consider all the scenarios and make a final decision as a team. We always make sure to make our clients the number one priority. Here at Zale Mortgage we encourage open communication and we want everyone’s voice to be heard.

What keys to being productive can you share?

For me there are five keys to being productive. There’s time management, which should always be most important. Then there’s communication, willingness to learn daily, and discipline. You have to have discipline to show up daily and do the work that’s needed.

How do you measure success?

To me, success is measured in customer results, happiness, and a thriving work environment. We make reflection a part of our business. It’s important to assess what does and doesn’t work on a regular basis. Not everything will always work out the way you anticipate so it’s important to learn from your mistakes and try to be better.

What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned through the course of your career?

Always be willing to learn. In this business, we’re always using software and technology and we’re always keeping an eye out for what’s next. I never make my team learn anything that I haven’t spent time learning myself. I always make a point to be very transparent with my colleagues and employees.

What advice would you give to others aspiring to succeed in your field?

Never make it about yourself. Especially when you’re working in operation management and working closely with other people, it’s always about the team. Make decisions that will benefit everyone and remain approachable. It’s important that individuals feel comfortable enough to confide in you.

How do you maintain a solid work life balance?

It can be very challenging to create a work life balance. I like to set timers to disconnect and focus on a mental reset and then get back to work. However, when I am not at work I do my best to distance myself from my professional obligations. I consider myself a very active person so I will engage myself in activities that will take my mind of work such as kayaking or going for a long hike.

What is one piece of technology that helps you the most in your daily routine?

Slack is one of the best technology tools that I use. It brings the team and all of the departments together and we can communicate with each other and stay on-task. I am someone who needs to organize my day and Slack allows me to easily divide my tasks into manageable pieces.

What has been the hardest obstacle you’ve overcome?

When I first started out with Zale Mortgage, I was juggling a 70-hour work week and online college for my bachelor’s degree. It really made me question my decision to move forward with my goals. However, once I took a step back I realized I was in it for the long haul and I continued to give it my all.

Who has been a role model to you and why?

Elon Musk is a role model who really stands out. He finds his niche and brings technology into it and he’s always extremely successful.

What is one piece of advice that you have never forgotten?

The people you surround yourself with reflect you. Make sure that you’re always around people who are a reflection of the kind of person that you want to be and people who are making you a better person.

What is one piece of advice you would like to leave our readers with?

Never stop learning and growing as a person. This is something that I’ve learned in business and in life. Don’t ever stop learning. Business is highly competitive, and there are definitely instances where you will question your decision making abilities, but you must have confidence in yourself and your vision.